Stage Your Event at Skokie Theatre

Our comfortable audience seating and large stage make us the perfect venue for

Dance shows
School productions

Over 100 performers, productions companies and organizations host events at Skokie Theatre each year.

We have year-round climate control and are fully handicapped accessable.

There are 24 xml input channels available on-stage that can accept signals from your musical instruments and well as pre-recorded sound from computers, mp3 players, CDs, DVDs, phones, and other digital devices.

Our projector and screen can display a 1080 x 720 pixel image originating from a computer or DVD.

Marketing and Technical Support is available for an additional fee.

Rates vary based on specific requirements for days and times.  For a quote, contact Wendy Kaplan at 847-677-7761 ext 5, or email

Our facility provides

140 cushioned auditorium seats
A 24' wide by 20' deep stage
Box office services
Ushers and house management
Back-stage green room
Podium, stools and chairs

140 cushioned auditorium seats
A 24' wide by 20' deep stage
Box office services
Ushers and house management
Back-stage green room
Podium, stools and chairs