Charles Troy Presents
Travels With Cole Porter

Wed April 17 at 7:30 pm
Tickets $20

A NEW CHARLES TROY presentation featuring ELIZABETH DOYLE 

THIS MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION follows Cole Porter’s passion for international travel, which suffused his life and inspired some memorable songs. We'll go along on his lifelong journey, from his post-prep school European tour through his two round-the-world cruises and the two vacations that cheered up his last years, and hear the relevant numbers as we travel.

CHARLES TROY’S multimedia presentations tell the stories behind the greatest Broadway musicals and their creators, in seamless visual programs featuring Troy's original graphics, historic photos and audio tracks, vintage film clips, and a scripted narrative that weave the events into cohesive, dramatic tales. He has appeared frequently at the Skokie Theatre.

ELIZABETH DOYLE, singer-pianist-composer, has brought Cole Porter music to Paris, New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Indiana. This June will be her fourth appearance at the Cole Porter Festival